Mina Talaee is a visual artist and art researcher, born in Tehran.
Her pieces, having been exhibited worldwide since 2003, mainly explore and reflect
on contemporary cultural & social conventions, power relations, and global issues
such as displacement, drawing on an extensive range of both traditional and modern
techniques and materials such as wood carving, cast-metal works, fiber art, carpet
weaving, fiberglass and 3D printing; following formative programs by Parviz Tanavoli.
She has lectured at a number of universities from 2009 to 2014 and
headed the BA/MA programs at the Handicrafts department of the Soore
University following her doctorate degree. Her studies and articles, primarily
focusing on Iran’s post-revolutionary figurative sculpture, are published
as well as presented in events at the University of Michigan, SOAS, the
University of Manchester, and the University of British Columbia.